Your life your rules
You are what you do. Your work forms a significant part of your identity. It determines who you are and how others perceive you.
But there is more to you. We are more than the image society may hold of us. The outside world sees our track record, but what they do not see are our hidden talents and dreams, which could be ready to developed and explored once we decide to show them to the world.
In “Your Life Your Rules” (Brandt Publishers, 2017), Rutger describes this process of acquiring this awareness. The transformation process as he experienced it and lived through it. He presents a model containing a series of (14) key questions that everyone can use when they feel that a transformation process should be on its way or should be called for.
An important ingredient for a successful transformation is taking back control of one’s working life and making the important choices on your own account.
Based on their conviction that only the candidate’s own input and commitment create the right Self-Placement® result, Rutger and Nina designed the PIT Self-Placement® programmes.